Ping Diamond Hotel - Hotels near Handico Hanoi Building

Handico Hanoi Building (also known as Handico Tower) is a high-rise building located at 85, Pham Hung, My Dinh 1 Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam. This building was built by Hanoi Construction Corporation - Handico and completed in 2010.

Detailed information about the Handico Hanoi building, such as number of floors, functions, companies or organizations headquartered here, and services inside, may change over time. Where many corporate offices are located. There are often business trips of employees to this building.

So, when you go on a business trip to Hanoi, you will stay at a hotel near the Handico Tower building. Let's find out with Ping Diamond Hotel through the article below.

Ping Diamond Hotel - Hotel near Handico Hanoi building

Ping Diamond Hotel - One of the hotels very close to the Handico Hanoi building, a 4-star hotel with full amenities, convenient transportation, ensuring everyone's stay when having a perfect business trip.

Amenities at Ping Diamond Hotel - Hotel near Handico Hanoi building

Cau Giay district hotel Ping Diamond Hotel offers a wide range of amenities and services to meet the needs of customers. Although specific amenities may vary depending on the hotel and location, below are some common amenities you can find at hotels near Handico building - Ping Diamond Hotel

Bedrooms: Bedrooms are often fully equipped with amenities such as comfortable beds, wardrobes, desks, air conditioning, cable TV and telephones.

Private Toilet: Most rooms come with a private toilet with basic amenities like shower, bathtub or showerhead.

Free Wi-Fi Internet: Ping Diamond Hotel provides free Wi-Fi service so customers can connect to the internet.

Restaurant and bar: Restaurant in the hotel where you can enjoy breakfast and other meals. Additionally, there may also be a bar to enjoy a drink.

Room service: Daily room service to keep your room clean and tidy.

Swimming pool: Ping Diamond Hotel has an indoor or outdoor swimming pool for guests to relax and entertain.

Fitness center: Some hotels offer fitness centers or gyms for guests who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Airport shuttle service: Some hotels provide airport shuttle service to facilitate customer travel.

Tour booking support service: If you want to explore local tourist attractions, Ping Diamond Hotel staff can often assist you with tour bookings or provide travel information.

Room rates at hotels near Handico building - Ping Diamond Hotel

Prices for hotel rooms near Handico - Ping Diamond Hotel building can vary greatly depending on location, tourist season, amenities and other factors.

For an overview, Ping Diamond Hotel room prices can range from about 800,000 VND to 1,500,000 VND per night. However, this is only a general estimate and does not apply to all destinations. Factors such as booking period, travel season, number of guests and special requests can affect prices.

For booking details, please contact Ping Diamond Hotel via Hotline: 0904.77.14.26 for advice on room rates and services at Ping Diamond Hotel.

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